Why great encounters are a must for effective sales

happy woman on call

A robust customer service culture is at the heart of many successful brands around the world. But as many global companies very well know, it’s a challenge to get to the top of the list and an even bigger hurdle to stay there.  

As organizations expand and diversify, keeping a values-based customer service culture becomes a bigger concern. If customers don’t get effective support that is, at the same time EASY and QUICK, your brand may be at risk.

Getting the Right Customer Service Experience (CX) via Good Customer Service Culture

When customers go through their own digital transformation, they also hold brands to high standards when it comes to the products and services they use. It’s worth noting that a significant majority of consumers, (at least ¾ of all surveyed) have high expectations when it comes to brands being aware of their past interactions. It can be frustrating for consumers when they have to explain their problems to multiple people while seeking support. With just one negative encounter, numerous consumers will quickly turn away from a brand or share their unfavorable experiences with others.

A significant number of enterprises choose to delegate their customer service to third-party business process outsourcing (BPO) partners such as cxperts. To deliver the level of service that customers deserve, it is crucial to have the entire customer service team and frontline staff fully aligned with the brand’s culture.

Customer service culture is deeply ingrained in cxperts. Ensuring a top-notch customer experience is the baseline expectation we have for the brands we assist, regardless of the sector. This culture is evident in all interactions, ensuring that employees and customers have positive experiences.

… And if upscaling is on the horizon, CX should be your universe

In today’s global arena, delivering an outstanding customer experience (CX) is no longer an add-on but an essential. An omnichannel environment requires seamless and personalized interactions at every touchpoint, as the integration of digital and physical shopping experiences continues to evolve.

To ensure success and maintain a competitive edge, companies must make operational excellence a top priority throughout the year, particularly during peak periods that require intense operational focus. This requires the implementation of strategies that maximize workforce management, cultivate a culture focused on customer satisfaction, and utilize technology efficiently.

What cxperts can do for you

 Our team understands that it’s not merely about the product. It’s the holistic customer experience that transforms someone into a devoted brand enthusiast. This is why elevating your experience is at the heart of what we do.

  • Lead generation is a business process that harmonizes sales and marketing to entice customers to your brand and what your brand can offer. Lead generation aims to NURTURE INTEREST in your products and services and CONVERT THEM INTO PAYING CUSTOMERS. At cxperts, lead generation isn’t just cold calls. It’s the entire gamut of sales and marketing, plus automation tools to offer a complete buffet of online and offline marketing channels to attract your target audience.
  • Outbound sales – While cxperts is at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, we know our basics! We never underestimate the importance of initiating contact with a potential buyer through old-school outbound sales / cold calls or via email from a list. Outbound sales aim to actively sell a product or service via a highly targeted process. cxperts clients are in control – from the pace of marketing and selling down to the call volume and call recipients.   With the right tools and with a trained and highly efficient outbound sales team such as cxperts, outbound operations are easier to scale.
  • Upsells or Upselling – Upselling happens when a seller encourages a customer to buy a more expensive version of a product or service. Upsells require careful technique since they follow the same principles of first-time sales. More importantly, a good BPO partner should be able to lay the foundation for a long-term relationship and customer loyalty by establishing trust.
  • Cross-Sells or Cross-Selling – If upselling is all about “upgrading” a customer to a more expensive product or service, cross-selling is all about selling complementary add-ons to something that the customer has already purchased. With cxperts as your partner, we aim to leverage cross-selling techniques by helping you find ways and means to offer comprehensive solutions to customer’s problems.
  • Consultative selling – Consultative selling is a type of selling that prioritizes relationships with your customer. Selling them the product comes later. At its core, this type of selling aims to focus on your client’s “pressure points” or problem areas and finding a solution for them even before you offer a product or service.  It takes longer than other types of sales calls, but it closes deals with both new and repeat customers.  Do take note that with digital technology in full throttle, customers have become disengaged with sellers. This lack of trust often leads to low buying confidence.  To address this need, cxperts actively encourages consultative selling versus product-based selling (one that emphasizes the product’s features) to ensure sales stability. 
  • Appointment setting – Appointment setting is the art and process of scheduling meetings with potential clients to explore business opportunities. This isn’t just the process of making calls. The task of an appointment setter is to identify prospects, initiate contact, schedule meetings, manage administrative tasks, nurture the relationship, and assess the interest and potential of leads to ensure that they are a good fit for the company’s products and services. The responsibilities don’t stop here. A good appointment-setting service also collects feedback, collaborates with the sales team, and monitors performance metrics. cxperts goes the extra mile by also staying informed with your industry’s trends and market developments. 


Through efficient management and optimization of these crucial areas, companies seeking to scale can revolutionize the customer journey and generate greater satisfaction through exceptional experiences.

At cxperts, our operations process has been refined over the years to provide clients (and our clients’ clients) with a reliable solution for outsourcing their customer experience throughout the year.

cxperts’ offshore and nearshore BPO capabilities make it easier for us to provide a consistent supply of highly skilled and well-trained staff. Our teams strive for continuous employment and cultivate extensive expertise in the brands that rely on us to cater to their customers. This leads to streamlined operations and enhanced customer satisfaction.

When it comes to an exceptional CX, partner with THE expert


Professionals in corporate customer management should be mindful that selecting a third party to aid with front-line operations necessitates thoughtful deliberation. There are variations among service providers. Businesses should carefully consider the performance of potential outsourcing partners across multiple platforms before making a decision. Every business should strive to enhance end-user outcomes, and a prudent approach in selecting a CX partner can help achieve this goal.

Choosing the right partner for customer experience management can be a complex decision due to the maturity and diversity of the BPO industry. It would be unwise for an enterprise CX manager to hastily select the first business process outsourcing (BPO) company that appears in their search results. The business should exercise caution when selecting an outsourcing partner to represent its brand.

Look above and beyond. Choose cxperts!

Talk to us.

cxperts is a global provider of multichannel demand generation and customer engagement services.  We have presence onshore, nearshore, and offshore in the USA, the Philippines, Colombia, Guatemala, and soon, Mexico and South Africa.

We partner with companies to help provide exceptional customer care that builds brand loyalty through our brick-and-mortar centers and work-from-home models leveraging top resources from the areas where we operate.

cxperts is an omnichannel customer experience (CX) provider that delivers exceptional CX for brands of all sizes.  Our contact center solutions cover all facets of customer experience and business process outsourcing, from customer care, white glove services, and technical support to sales, collections, and back office.

Within our modern contact centers in the Philippines, Guatemala, and Colombia, we provide sustainable, life-changing careers to hundreds of cxperts around the world.  On top of that, our work-at-home solutions give brands the flexibility to benefit from a limitless pool of exceptional talent.